Scaling And Root Planing

At Bakery Hill Dental, maintaining excellent oral health is our top priority. One important procedure for keeping your gums healthy is scaling and root planing. This deep cleaning treatment is essential for preventing and managing gum disease. In this article, we’ll explain what scaling and root planing involve, why they are important, and how they can benefit your overall oral health.

What is Scaling and Root Planing?

Scaling and root planing are deep cleaning procedures designed to treat gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Gum disease occurs when plaque and tartar build up on your teeth, leading to inflammation and infection of the gums. Scaling and root planing help remove this buildup and smooth the tooth surfaces to promote healthier gums.

How Does Scaling and Root Planing Work?

Initial Examination:
The process begins with a thorough examination at Bakery Hill Dental. Our dentist will check the health of your gums, measure the depth of gum pockets around your teeth, and take X-rays if necessary. This helps determine the extent of gum disease and the need for scaling and root planing.

Scaling is the first step, where the dentist or dental hygienist uses special instruments to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth and below the gumline. This cleaning helps eliminate bacteria that cause gum disease.

Root Planing:
After scaling, root planing is performed to smooth the roots of your teeth. This step helps remove any remaining plaque and tartar and ensures that the tooth surfaces are clean and smooth. Smoothing the roots makes it harder for bacteria to stick and helps your gums reattach to the teeth.

Post-Treatment Care:
After the procedure, you may experience some tenderness or mild discomfort, but this usually resolves quickly. Our team will provide you with instructions on how to care for your gums and teeth, including tips for brushing and flossing effectively.

Benefits of Scaling and Root Planing

Prevents Gum Disease Progression:
Scaling and root planing help stop gum disease from worsening. By removing plaque and tartar, the procedure prevents further damage to your gums and teeth.

Reduces Gum Inflammation:
The deep cleaning process reduces inflammation and bleeding of the gums, promoting healthier gums and better oral hygiene.

Improves Oral Health:
Regular scaling and root planing can improve your overall oral health by removing harmful bacteria and preventing gum infections.

Enhances Fresh Breath:
By eliminating plaque and tartar, scaling and root planing can help reduce bad breath caused by bacterial buildup.

Protects Tooth Support Structures:
Treating gum disease helps protect the bone and tissues that support your teeth, preventing tooth mobility and loss.

Why Choose Bakery Hill Dental?

At Bakery Hill Dental, we are committed to providing high-quality care for your dental needs. Our experienced team uses the latest techniques and equipment to ensure that scaling and root planing are performed efficiently and comfortably. We also offer personalized advice to help you maintain optimal oral health.


Scaling and root planing are essential procedures for managing gum disease and maintaining healthy gums. By removing plaque and tartar and smoothing tooth surfaces, these treatments help prevent further gum damage and improve your overall oral health. If you have concerns about gum disease or need a deep cleaning, contact Bakery Hill Dental today to schedule an appointment.

Scaling And Root Planing